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Kingdom Vision

Prophetess Tayo Reed Ministry is about truth with inspirations sharing the LOVE, PROPHESY, LIFE of the Redeemer, biblical HISTORY and SALVATION to the Nations through education, arts, fitness, media, and preaching. Partnering with Kingdom outreaches, churches, businesses, ministries disciplining, and continuing to increase
the army of God, who is the remnant, the elect, the “CHOSEN”

Kingdom Mission 

To fulfill Abba Heavenly Father call to the office as a Prophetess and Minister with agape love, excellence in ministry, demonstrating the nature,and character of my Redeemer, Yahshua "Jesus."Unapologetically sold out exposing evil and truth unlearned in God’s Word, maturing the Body of Christ, leading the lost to salvation, hearing the voice of God and speaking his words to the people boldly and courageously
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